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Birth control pills are medications that prevent pregnancy. They are one solution of birth control method. Oral contraceptives are hormonal preparations which could contain combinations of the endocrine system estrogen and progestin or progestin alone. Combinations of estrogen and progestin prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the production of the endocrine system luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland from the brain.

Some women cannot tolerate the estrogen in combined low does pills so might be prescribed progestin only pills. Estrogen appeared to be the key culprit where uncomfortable side effects were to blame so 'low dose contraception pills' were developed to minimise these. Pills containing 0.02mg- 0.035mg.of estrogen are classed as 'low dose' pills.

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You are going to must stop taking birth prevention in the course of your lifestyle. In earlier times, doctors would randomly choose ought to hold you back on birth control method and when you begin your self hormone replacement therapy for menopause. This often happens about the era of 50. Now, doctors can measure your FSH, or follicle-stimulating-hormone to inform if you're in menopause. This way you can switch hormone therapies directly if it suits your system.

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